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An innovative, creative and award-winning company, where design, art and Hi-Fi meet. The perfect mix between beauty (luxury), high quality and functionality. Think of watches, clocks and groundbreaking sound solutions as displayed on the right. A company founded by                  an Australian creative entrepreneur with over 40 years of experience in the Hi-Fi scene and who was later accompanied by his two sons. A company that evolved with and through the development of technology and creative spirit, which enabled them to "do all the crazy things" that they do nowadays. What started in Australia, has now made its way to The Netherlands. And we're very happy to have been a small part of this journey!


About 3 to 4 years ago, Metaxas decided to start looking for a base to work from in Europe, that embodied all the necessary helpful commercial parts of running a business. Since Greece was not the place - he looked further into Germany (where he studied) but found the community to be less open-minded to innovative firms. 


And thus the online search began to find a partner that could guide him through the process of formation.

"Apparently your brand and services stood out during my search, which led me to start my conversation with Dennis. The rest followed quite effortlessly and it was a painless process, which only took me a couple of days." said, mr. Metaxas. 


"Dennis is quite switched on and not a typical accountant. His company is also fresh and different and you have been very sympathetic to what I'm doing. See, people get what you're doing or they don't." - Metaxas


Being a company that is in the business of designing and producing high-end luxury products, including electronics it's a fact that people have to get used to how revolutionary and distinguishing a company is. 


Starting a business in the Netherlands has been a positive experience so far, but father and his sons have bigger plans lined out for their company. 

Their goals is to further build and nurture the business and get it to a point where they're able to have a dedicated workshop in the Netherlands. Which means they can be more physically present and will be able to hire people and build a team. 

When The Netherlands came to the table, he found out that there were quite some benefits to it. Namely:

  • Everyone speaks English

  • Open-minded to new emerging businesses

  • Reasonable Tax Rates

  • Centralized location

  • Strategically placed

  • The Dutch are interested in the world of Design.

  • Enabled him to focus on the creative side, without having to do a lot of paperwork.

  • Allowed him to concentrate on his business.

The same applies to                              However, the settlement in the Netherlands has been very positive. The line of growth is going upwards steadily and the publicity around the company and their awards has given them a better and growing presence in the market. 

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