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Maximizing Tax Deductions: A Guide to Deductible Business Expenses with House of Companies

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Running a business in the Netherlands requires filing of your quartly VAT returns, and annual corporate tax return. For both tax return filings, the aspect of 'tax deductions' can be relevant. 

In general, all your company expenses are deductible from your (taxable) income. This means that all your company expenses, will reduce the taxable amount of your business. In the second Cessna judgment (HR 8 March 2002, 36292, BNB 2002/210), however, the Supreme Court has ruled that costs are not deductible if the utility is in such a disproportion to the size of those costs that no reasonably thinking entrepreneur can maintain that these costs with a view to business interests of the company are created.

Typical travel expenses are therefore deductible. However, if you decide to charter a boeing 747 to visit a client, a large part of this expense would not be deductible.

Mixed costs are costs incurred for business reasons and would therefore be deductible. However, due to the fact that expenditure can also be recognized as a private spending element, the legislator has designed a comprehensive and detailed regime for mixed costs. The objective of this is to eliminate the private spending element that can normally be deducted under the regular profit determination rules (see from the profit. Companies are not allowed to deduct mixed costs up to an amount of € 4,600 from the profit. Or 0.4% of the total wage bill, whichever is higher. Companies can also opt for an alternative scheme here, but companies may deduct only 73.5% of the mixed costs from the VPB as standard.

Our Entity Management Portal will allow you to keep track of your VAT return, corporate tax returns, and discuss each expense in our support community to ensure you are preparing your statements correctly.

When it comes to deducting business expenses, it is important for companies to understand the regulations and guidelines set forth by the government.  Deducting business expenses is an important aspect of managing the financial health of a company, particularly in the context of company formation in the Netherlands. When setting up a business entity in the Netherlands, it is crucial to understand the rules and regulations surrounding the deductibility of expenses, as it can have a significant impact on the overall financial performance of the company. The Dutch tax laws allow for the deduction of many types of business expenses, including but not limited to, employee wages, rent, utilities, office supplies, and travel expenses. These deductions can greatly reduce the taxable income of the company, thus lowering its overall tax burden. However, it is important to note that not all expenses are deductible, and there are specific criteria that must be met in order for an expense to be considered eligible for deduction.

In order to ensure that a company is able to take full advantage of the available deductions, it is imperative for businesses to maintain accurate and detailed records of all expenses incurred. This includes keeping track of receipts, invoices, and other relevant documentation that provide evidence of the business-related nature of the expenses. Additionally, businesses should be mindful of the specific documentation requirements outlined by the Dutch tax authorities in order to substantiate the deductibility of certain expenses. Failure to maintain proper documentation can result in the denial of deductions during tax audits and potentially lead to financial penalties.

Furthermore, it is essential for businesses to stay informed about any changes in the tax laws and regulations, as they may impact the deductibility of certain expenses. Remaining up-to-date with these changes can help companies optimize their tax position and avoid potential disputes with the tax authorities. Additionally, seeking professional advice from tax experts or accountants can provide businesses with valuable insights and guidance on how to effectively manage and maximize their business expenses within the legal framework.

In short, deducting business expenses is an intricate process that requires careful consideration and meticulous record-keeping in the context of company formation in the Netherlands. By understanding the rules and regulations governing the deductibility of expenses, maintaining accurate documentation, and staying informed about relevant tax laws, businesses can effectively manage their financial affairs and optimize their tax position. With the proper approach, businesses can leverage the deductibility of expenses to their advantage, ultimately contributing to their overall financial success. In the Netherlands, it is crucial for businesses to adhere to the rules and requirements outlined by the Dutch tax authorities. Deductible business expenses typically include costs directly related to the operation of the business, such as advertising, employee salaries, office rent, utilities, and supplies. It is imperative for businesses to keep detailed records and receipts of these expenses in order to accurately claim them as deductions. Additionally, it is important for companies to distinguish between personal and business expenses, as only the latter are eligible for deduction. In the Netherlands, businesses are required to report their deductible business expenses on their annual corporate tax return, providing documentation to support their claims. 

The Dutch tax authorities may conduct audits to verify the accuracy and legitimacy of these deductions, and failure to comply with the rules could result in penalties or fines. Therefore, it is essential for businesses to stay informed about the tax laws and regulations in the Netherlands and to seek professional guidance from accounting or legal experts to ensure compliance and maximize their deductible business expenses. By understanding and properly applying the rules for deducting business expenses, companies in the Netherlands can effectively manage their finances and minimize their tax liabilities, ultimately contributing to their overall success and growth.


Value Added Tax - Tax Deductions

Aside from corporate taxation, there are certain restrictions in place concerning tax deductions in Value Added Tax.

Below you will find a list of expenses, you can see whether certain expenses are deductible or not. The list is not exhaustive.

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100% Deductible as Business Expenses


  • Rent of an (external) office

  • Rent and decoration of an independent part of the private residence (only if the independent part has its own entrance and facilities like a toilet etc. and you earn at least 70% of your income from this place

  • Depreciation and purchase of office furniture, equipment and inventory

  • Printing (writing paper, envelopes, business cards etc.)

  • Supplies (tonier, ink cartridges)

  • Postage

  • Cleaning costs


  • Subscription for telephone and internet in the office (if you work from home these will be personal expenses)

  • Mobile phone and PDA

  • Costs of business phone calls

  • Depreciation and maintenance costs of computer, laptop, scanner, printer etc.

  • Digital camera

  • Recording equipment

  • Data carriers (CD, memory card, USB stick)

  • Business software

Transport, travel and accommodation

  • Depreciation, maintenance, insurance, fuel, parking, road tax etc. concerning a company car (most of the times leading to a correction for the private use in the income tax return)

  • Tickets for train, taxi, bus, plane etc.

  • Costs of a company bike

  • Tax-free kilometre allowance for business use of a personal car (€ 0.19 per km)

  • Hotel

  • Car rent


  • Website (development, hosting)

  • Advertisement (ads, Google AdWords, yellow pages etc.)


  • Accountant, advisor, administrator

  • Membership of professional and trade organisations

  • Services of other companies/freelancers


  • Company car

  • Inventory

  • Liability

Knowledge and development

  • Business literature (book, magazines, online library)

  • Training and courses

Professional Instruments and materials

  • Work clothes

  • Instruments and materials

Partially deductible

  • Costs of lunch, dinner etc. with business relations

  • Gifts and other representation costs

  • Study trips and conference attendance

The 80/20 regulation is a Dutch business expense restriction that requires companies to demonstrate that at least 20% of their expenses are used for taxable activities. This regulation was implemented to prevent companies from deducting excessive amounts of non-taxable expenses from their taxable income. It serves as a safeguard for the government to ensure that businesses are not circumventing tax regulations and reducing their tax liability through non-taxable expenses. 

In effect, this regulation encourages companies to allocate a significant portion of their expenses towards taxable activities, thereby contributing their fair share to the national tax revenue.
The 80/20 regulation applies to a wide range of expenses, including but not limited to travel, entertainment, and representation costs. Companies are required to keep detailed records and documentation of their expenses to substantiate that at least 20% of these costs are related to taxable activities. Failure to comply with this regulation can result in penalties and fines, as well as potential audit scrutiny by the tax authorities. Therefore, businesses operating in the Netherlands must carefully monitor and evaluate their expenses to ensure compliance with the 80/20 regulation.
While the 80/20 regulation imposes restrictions on businesses, it ultimately promotes transparency and fairness in the tax system. 

By mandating that a significant portion of expenses be used for taxable activities, the government is able to minimize tax avoidance practices and increase tax collection. In turn, this contributes to the overall economic stability and sustainability of the country. 

Therefore, businesses should view the 80/20 regulation as a mechanism to uphold tax integrity and accountability, rather than a hindrance to their operations. Compliance with this regulation not only benefits the national tax revenue but also reinforces the ethical responsibility of businesses in contributing to the welfare of the society.


Can you reclaim the VAT of a business lunch?

Normally you can reclaim the VAT on business purchases as input tax. In the case of business lunches (food & drinks), the regulations are somewhat more complicated.

There are two situations:

  • Lunch at the office
    Do you get lunch in a catering establishment or supermarket and do you use this lunch at the office? Then you may reclaim the VAT in full from the Tax Authorities.

  • Lunch outside the office
    Do you have lunch and are you useful in a catering establishment or do you let a caterer provide lunch in a specially equipped space? Then you may not reclaim the VAT from the Tax Authorities.

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No threshold, but limited deduction


The most common variant is the partial deduction charged to the profit. With this variant you can enter 80% as costs and charge it to profit. The remainder (20%) is for your own account.


  • Fines

  • General literature

  • Clothes and personal care (exemption for artists)

  • Personal computers

  • Education for personal purposes (hobby)

  • Driver’s license

  • Personal devices (glasses, a hearing device, disability insurance - deductible in the income tax return)

  • Personal usage of the internet and telephone

In the Netherlands, there are strict regulations governing business expense deductions. One of the key restrictions that companies need to be aware of is the threshold for deducting entertainment expenses. Currently, Dutch tax law stipulates that only 80% of entertainment expenses can be deducted, and there is a further threshold that these expenses must exceed in order to be eligible for deduction. 

This threshold is set at 4% of the total wages of all employees, with a minimum of €454 and a maximum of €4,500. This means that any entertainment expenses must surpass this minimum threshold in order to be considered for deduction. Additionally, there are specific rules regarding what types of entertainment expenses are eligible for deduction, further complicating the process for businesses. As a result, companies operating in the Netherlands need to carefully track and document all entertainment expenses to ensure compliance with these regulations. 

Failure to adhere to these expense restrictions can result in penalties and fines from the tax authorities. It is advisable for businesses to seek professional guidance to fully understand and navigate these complex regulations. Additionally, implementing robust expense management systems can help streamline the process and ensure compliance with Dutch tax laws. Ultimately, understanding and adhering to the threshold in Dutch business expense restrictions is crucial for companies operating in the Netherlands to avoid potential legal and financial repercussions. As the Dutch government continues to enforce these regulations, businesses must stay informed and proactive in managing their entertainment expenses to remain compliant with the law.

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Understanding Tax Deductible Expenses

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of preparing your corporate tax return, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of what expenses can be deducted. In the Netherlands, the tax authorities allow businesses to deduct expenses that are directly related to their business operations and have a business purpose. These guidelines are outlined in the Dutch Tax Code and are applicable to all businesses operating in the country.

According to Article 3.8 of the Dutch Tax Code, expenses that are fully tax deductible must meet certain criteria. These expenses include office costs, ICT expenses, transport, travel, and accommodation costs, marketing and advertising expenses, support and obligations costs, and insurance expenses.

Fully Tax Deductible Expenses

Let's start with the good news – there are several expenses that are fully tax deductible if they are deemed to be business-related. These expenses include:

  1. Office Costs: This includes rent paid for your office space, costs associated with a business part of your private home (including furnishing and energy), purchase and depreciation of office furniture, equipment, and supplies, printing materials, and stationery.

  2. ICT Expenses: Subscription for fixed telephone and internet at your office, mobile business telephone, smartphone, costs of business calls made via your private telephone, and depreciation and maintenance of computer equipment, laptops, scanners, printers, and other digital devices.

  3. Transport, Travel, and Accommodation Costs: This category encompasses company car costs, including depreciation, maintenance, insurance, fuel, parking, motor vehicle tax, business-related train journeys, taxi costs, bike and maintenance costs, and expenses incurred for traveling, accommodation, and car rentals related to your business.

  4. Marketing and Advertising: Expenses related to your website design and hosting, advertising platforms such as paid listings on directories like Golden Pages and Google Adwords, and other marketing activities.

  5. Support and Obligations: Costs associated with hiring freelancers or companies for specific services, accountant, tax adviser, and administrator fees, memberships of professional and trade associations, and registration fees of the Chamber of Commerce.

  6. Insurances: Expenses incurred for insuring your company car, business inventory, and liability insurance.

On the other hand, there are expenses that fall into the category of partially tax deductible. These expenses can only have a portion of their costs deducted from taxable income. Business meals and entertainment expenses are partially deductible, with 80% of such expenses being eligible for deduction. However, there is an alternative arrangement where expenses up to €4,400 are not deductible, while expenses above that threshold are fully deductible.

Mixed expenses are another category that is partially tax deductible. These expenses have both a business and private element. For example, if a mobile phone is used for both business and personal purposes, the portion of costs that relates to business usage can be deducted. It is important to maintain proper records and allocate expenses accordingly to ensure accurate deductions.

While many expenses can be deducted, there are certain costs that are not tax deductible according to the Dutch Tax Code. These expenses include fines, such as late filing/payment of tax or traffic fines, general literature, clothing, and personal care unless exclusively used for business purposes, personal training unrelated to the business, and personal aids such as glasses, hearing aids, and occupational disability insurance.

It is important for businesses to review the Dutch Tax Code and consult with tax professionals to ensure compliance with the guidelines and maximize the deductions available to them. Proper record-keeping and documentation are essential in providing evidence of business-related expenses and justifying their deductibility.

In accordance with tax regulations, there are a number of deductions that must be made within a 1-year period. These deductions are designed to provide individuals and businesses with the opportunity to reduce their taxable income, thereby decreasing the amount of taxes owed to the government. 

Some common deductions that must be made within a 1-year period include business expenses, medical expenses, charitable contributions, and mortgage interest. Business expenses, such as office supplies and travel costs, can be deducted to lower the overall taxable income for businesses. Medical expenses, including doctor visits, prescription medications, and health insurance premiums, can also be deducted within a 1-year period. Charitable contributions made to qualified organizations can be deducted as well, providing individuals with a tax benefit for their generosity. Finally, mortgage interest paid on a home loan can be deducted within a 1-year period, offering homeowners the opportunity to reduce their taxable income. It is important for individuals and businesses to carefully track and document these deductions throughout the year to ensure accuracy and compliance with tax regulations. 

Failure to accurately report and document these deductions within the specified time frame can result in penalties and interest charges from the government. Therefore, it is imperative for taxpayers to keep detailed records and seek professional advice, if necessary, to properly navigate the complexities of tax deductions within a 1-year period. Additionally, staying informed about changes to tax regulations and seeking professional guidance can help individuals and businesses maximize their deductions and minimize their tax liability. 

By carefully managing and reporting these deductions within the required time frame, taxpayers can effectively reduce their tax burden and achieve greater financial stability. In conclusion, deductions that must be made within a 1-year period play a crucial role in helping individuals and businesses reduce their taxable income and ultimately lower the amount of taxes owed to the government.

When it comes to deductions that must be spread across multiple years, it is important to understand the IRS regulations and guidelines. This typically occurs when a taxpayer incurs a substantial expense that has a benefit spread out over several years, such as for the purchase of business equipment or the costs of starting up a new business. In these cases, the IRS requires the taxpayer to spread the deduction over the useful life of the asset or over a specific number of years as specified in the tax code. Failure to comply with these rules can result in penalties and interest being assessed by the IRS. It is crucial for taxpayers to keep detailed records and consult with a tax professional to ensure they are correctly spreading out their deductions over multiple years. Utilizing proper accounting methods and understanding the tax code can help to minimize errors and potential issues with the IRS. By following the regulations set forth by the IRS, taxpayers can ensure they are in compliance with the law and avoid unnecessary penalties or scrutiny.


Partially Tax Deductible Expenses

Some expenses fall into the category of partially tax deductible. This means that only a portion of the expense can be deducted from your taxable income. These expenses include:

  1. Business Meals and Entertainment: Expenses related to lunch, dinner, drinks, and other forms of representation with business relations and clients are partially deductible. You can deduct 80% of such expenses. However, there is an alternative arrangement where expenses up to €4,400 are not deductible, while expenses above that threshold are fully deductible.

  2. Mixed Expenses: Mixed expenses are those that have both a business and private element. For example, if you use a mobile phone for both business and personal purposes, you can deduct the portion of the costs that relates to your business usage. It is important to maintain proper records and allocate expenses accordingly to ensure accurate deductions.

Not Tax Deductible Expenses


While many expenses can be deducted, there are certain costs that are not tax deductible. These include fines (such as late filing/payment of tax or traffic fines), general literature, clothing and personal care (unless exclusively used for business purposes), personal training unrelated to your business, and personal aids such as glasses, hearing aids, and occupational disability insurance.

Maximizing Your Deductible Expenses


Now that you have a clear understanding of the different types of deductible expenses, let's explore how you can maximize your deductions and optimize your corporate tax return. Here are some strategies to consider:

Keep Accurate Records

To ensure that you can claim all eligible deductions, it is crucial to keep accurate and detailed records of your expenses. This includes invoices, receipts, and any supporting documentation. Maintaining a well-organized accounting system will make it easier to track and categorize your expenses.

Separate Business and Personal Expenses

To avoid complications and potential issues with the tax authorities, it's essential to keep your business and personal expenses separate. Open a dedicated business bank account and use it exclusively for business-related transactions. This will help streamline your record-keeping process and provide a clear distinction between personal and business expenses.

Consult with a Tax Advisor

Navigating the complexities of corporate tax returns can be challenging, especially when it comes to maximizing your deductions. Consider consulting with a tax advisor or accountant who specializes in business taxes, ideally before you start your Dutch company. They can provide valuable insights, ensure compliance with tax regulations, and help identify additional deductions you may have overlooked. Joining our Into-Netherlands Space, in our Members Portal would be the first step, to get insights into this. 

Stay Updated with Tax Laws and Regulations

Tax laws and regulations are subject to change, so it's important to stay informed and updated. Subscribe to newsletters or consult reputable sources to stay abreast of any changes that may impact your deductible expenses. Being proactive and knowledgeable will help you make informed decisions and optimize your tax savings.



Preparing your corporate tax return and maximizing your deductible expenses can significantly impact your bottom line. By understanding which expenses are fully tax deductible, partially tax deductible, and not tax deductible, you can strategically manage your finances and ensure that you claim all eligible deductions. Remember to keep accurate records, consult with a tax advisor, and stay updated with tax laws to make the most of your deductions. By doing so, you can minimize your tax liability and keep more of your hard-earned money in your business. Happy tax planning!

For more guidance on how to file your corporate tax return, check out our Members Portal. Our team of experts is ready to assist you every step of the way. Contact us today and take the stress out of tax season!


Ready to Start your Dutch Business?

Are you ready to take the plunge and start your own business in the Netherlands? Congratulations, you've made a wise choice! The Dutch business environment is well-known for its entrepreneurial spirit, favorable tax climate, and well-established infrastructure. Whether you're launching a startup or expanding your existing business, the Netherlands offers a wealth of opportunities.

In this article, we'll guide you through the essential steps to get your Dutch business up and running. From registering your company and choosing the right legal structure to navigating tax requirements and accessing funding options, we've got you covered. We'll also share insights into the Dutch market, highlighting key industries and sectors with growth potential.

Not only will you gain practical advice and tips, but you'll also learn about the unique cultural and business norms that will help you thrive in the Dutch business landscape. So, if you're ready to embark on this exciting journey, let's dive in and make your Dutch business dream a reality!

Advantages of starting a business in the Netherlands

Starting a business in the Netherlands comes with a plethora of advantages. First and foremost, the country's entrepreneurial ecosystem is thriving, making it an ideal destination for startups and innovative ventures. The Netherlands boasts a highly skilled and diverse workforce, excellent infrastructure, and a strong support system for entrepreneurs.

Additionally, the Dutch tax climate is favorable for businesses. The corporate tax rate is relatively low, and there are various incentives and deductions available to help reduce your tax burden. With a stable and transparent tax system, you can plan your finances effectively and maximize your profitability.

Another advantage of doing business in the Netherlands is its strategic location within Europe. The country's well-connected transportation network provides easy access to the European market, allowing you to expand your business and reach a larger customer base. Furthermore, the Netherlands has a strong international trade presence, making it an attractive hub for import and export activities.

In summary, starting a business in the Netherlands offers numerous advantages, including a supportive entrepreneurial ecosystem, favorable tax climate, strategic location, and access to the European market.

Steps to starting a business in the Netherlands

Now that you're aware of the advantages, let's dive into the essential steps to start your business in the Netherlands. The process may seem daunting at first, but with the right guidance, it can be relatively straightforward.

The first step is to conduct thorough market research. Understanding your target audience, competition, and industry trends is crucial for developing a solid business plan. This research will help you identify gaps in the market and determine the viability of your business idea.

Once you've done your research, it's time to register your company with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KVK). This step is mandatory for all businesses operating in the Netherlands. The registration process involves providing relevant information about your business, such as its legal name, address, and activities. You'll also need to choose a unique trade name, which should reflect your brand and be easily recognizable.

After registering your company, you'll need to decide on the right legal structure. The most common legal forms in the Netherlands are sole proprietorship, partnership, and private limited liability company (BV). Each structure has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of liability, taxation, and administrative requirements. It's important to consult with a legal professional to determine the best option for your business.

Legal requirements and registration process

Once you've chosen the legal structure, you'll need to fulfill certain legal requirements and complete the registration process. This includes obtaining the necessary permits and licenses, such as a business permit, environmental permits (if applicable), and industry-specific licenses.

Additionally, you'll need to comply with Dutch labor laws and regulations if you plan to hire employees. This includes adhering to minimum wage requirements, providing appropriate working conditions, and ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations. It's essential to familiarize yourself with these laws to avoid any legal issues in the future.

To register for taxes, you'll need to obtain a tax identification number (TIN) from the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration (Belastingdienst). This number is required for various tax-related activities, such as filing tax returns and communicating with the tax authorities. You'll also need to register for VAT (Value Added Tax) if your annual turnover exceeds a certain threshold.

Choosing the right business structure

Choosing the right business structure is crucial for the success of your Dutch business. Each legal form has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to consider factors such as liability, taxation, and administrative requirements.

Sole proprietorship, also known as a one-person business (eenmanszaak), is the simplest legal structure. It offers full control and flexibility, but also exposes the owner to unlimited liability. This means that personal assets can be at risk in the event of business debts or legal issues.

Partnership (vennootschap onder firma or VOF) is suitable for businesses with multiple owners. It allows for shared responsibility and decision-making, but also comes with unlimited liability for all partners.

Private limited liability company (besloten vennootschap or BV) is the most common legal form for medium to large-sized businesses. It offers limited liability, meaning that the shareholders' personal assets are protected. However, BVs have more complex administrative and reporting requirements.

It's important to consult with legal and tax professionals to determine the best legal structure for your specific business needs and objectives.

Understanding Dutch tax system and obligations

Understanding the Dutch tax system is essential for running a successful business in the Netherlands. The country has a relatively simple and transparent tax regime, but it's important to comply with all tax obligations to avoid any penalties or legal issues.

The main types of taxes in the Netherlands include corporate income tax, value-added tax (VAT), payroll taxes, and personal income tax. Corporate income tax is levied on the profits of BVs and other legal entities. The current corporate tax rate is 25% for profits up to a certain threshold, and 21.7% for profits exceeding that threshold.

VAT, or Value Added Tax, is a consumption tax levied on most goods and services. The standard VAT rate is 21%, but there are reduced rates of 9% and 0% for specific goods and services. Businesses are responsible for collecting and remitting VAT to the tax authorities.

Payroll taxes include social security contributions and income tax withheld from employees' salaries. As an employer, you'll need to register with the tax authorities and comply with payroll tax obligations.

Personal income tax is levied on individuals' income. The tax rates are progressive, meaning that higher incomes are subject to higher tax rates.

To ensure compliance with the Dutch tax system, it's advisable to work with a tax advisor or accountant who specializes in Dutch taxation. They can help you navigate the complexities of the tax system, optimize your tax position, and ensure that all tax obligations are met.

Finding funding and financial support for your business

Securing funding for your Dutch business is a crucial step in its success. Luckily, there are various options available to entrepreneurs in the Netherlands.

One option is to seek funding from traditional banks. Banks in the Netherlands offer business loans, lines of credit, and other financing options. However, obtaining bank financing can be challenging, especially for startups or businesses without a solid track record.

Another option is to explore government funding programs and grants. The Dutch government provides financial support to businesses in various forms, including grants, subsidies, and tax incentives. These programs aim to stimulate innovation, job creation, and economic growth.

Additionally, you can consider alternative funding sources such as angel investors, venture capital firms, crowdfunding platforms, and business incubators. These sources can provide not only financial support but also valuable expertise and connections.

When seeking funding, it's important to have a solid business plan and financial projections. Investors and lenders will want to see a clear roadmap for growth and a realistic assessment of your business's financial prospects.

Hiring employees and labor laws in the Netherlands

If you plan to hire employees for your Dutch business, it's important to familiarize yourself with the country's labor laws and regulations. The Netherlands has a highly regulated labor market, aimed at protecting employees' rights and ensuring fair working conditions.

As an employer, you'll need to comply with minimum wage requirements, which are regularly adjusted based on inflation. The current minimum wage is determined based on age and is updated every six months.

Additionally, you'll need to provide appropriate working conditions, including a safe and healthy work environment. The Dutch labor laws also regulate working hours, vacation days, maternity and paternity leave, and other employment-related matters.

It's important to have clear employment contracts in place, outlining the terms and conditions of employment. These contracts should comply with Dutch labor laws and reflect the specific needs of your business.

Business networking and support organizations

Networking and building connections are crucial for the success of any business. In the Netherlands, there are various business networking events, organizations, and platforms that can help you expand your professional network and connect with potential clients, partners, and investors.

One example is the Chamber of Commerce (KVK), which offers networking events, workshops, and other resources for entrepreneurs. The KVK also provides valuable information and support throughout the business registration process.

Another organization is the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), which supports businesses in various sectors, including international trade, innovation, and sustainability. They offer funding programs, market insights, and matchmaking services to help businesses thrive.

Furthermore, there are industry-specific associations and trade organizations that can provide networking opportunities and industry insights. These organizations often organize conferences, seminars, and other events where you can connect with like-minded professionals and stay updated on the latest trends in your industry.

Conclusion and next steps

Starting a business in the Netherlands is an exciting endeavor, filled with opportunities and challenges. By following the steps outlined in this article, you'll be well-prepared to embark on your entrepreneurial journey.

Remember to conduct thorough market research, register your company with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce, choose the right legal structure, understand the Dutch tax system and obligations, secure funding, comply with labor laws, and leverage business networking opportunities.

With the right knowledge, support, and determination, you can turn your Dutch business dream into a reality. So, take the leap and embrace the entrepreneurial spirit of the Netherlands. Your success awaits!


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Our Services

  • What is House of Companies?
    House of Companies is in first instance a new concept in offering flexible office solutions and registered office addresses, covering more than 4.000 locations. Aside from full service office facilities (from dealing with your mail, to answering the phone) , we offer a ‘branch out membership’ which provides you the tools to start a new business, or keep your business running, at the lowest costs possible. House of Companies is located at an amazing mansion, on a 50.000m2 estate in the Netherlands offering room for hundreds of companies. But we also offer +4.000 locations in cooperation with partners.
  • Can anybody use the services of House of Companies?
    Yes, basically anybody can use the services of the House of Companies. Even if you are not an entrepreneur yet! Our services are very low-key which allows companies of any sizes to expand overseas. We do have a strict onboarding process in place, and don’t deal with companies focused on tax avoidance, or who have operations in sanctioned countries, as well as certain sensitive industries.
  • Is using a registered office address legal?
    Yes, 100% legal! Our team has over 10 years experience in providing registered office services, and our locations meet the standards of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. Our locations provide a full time reception, and our locations are always able to provide you a working space when need be.
  • Do I pay taxes when I use a virtual office in the Netherlands?
    A ‘virtual office’ typically does not pay taxes (yet). This is not due to a special tax status, but simply because a virtual office has no actual operations (or substance) yet (or has not started to make a profit, doing sales, or employing staff). In fact, a ‘virtual office’ is typically considered a ‘representative office’ and is not required to be registered at the Chamber of Commerce. Such requirements might change, once you perform any actual services from the Netherlands, or goods are stored and processed here. In case of doubt, it might be necessary to discuss your situation with a lawyer or accountant, but much information on this topic is available in our Dashboard.
  • Does a Dutch company require a local address?
    In many cases a local company registration requires a local business address. Especially in (Western) European countries this is very common. There are some exceptions, especially in case of a branch registration (or a representative office). A registered office address is required to receive official government letters, and in come cases also to open a local corporate bank account.
  • Can my Dutch business open a bank account?
    Yes, a business dealing on the Dutch market can also open a corporate bank account. However, this is becoming more challenging. House of Companies can inform you about European banks that can open bank accounts for any kind of European entity, without a visit to the bank required.
  • When is a registered office address convenient for me?
    A registered office address is convenient for any kind of business, that is planning to expand to a new market, and is taking it step by step. A registered office address (or virtual office) allows you to explore a new market, while limiting your expenses. It’s not about being ‘virtual’, but it’s about avoiding as much bureaucracy and legal expenses as you can, while your business is not yet at its full capacity. Our tools allow you to get an understanding of the legal framework of a country, so you are able to make the decisions for yourself, rather than having to rely on an accountant or lawyer.
  • Can I really submit my corporate tax return myself, without any charges?"
    Yes, anybody can submit their corporate tax return themselves, without any help from an accountant. Our Dashboard provides you the detailed information, step by step, on how to login to your online Tax Portal, and to file your tax return. Obviously, the more complicated your company activities (and transactions) the more complex your tax return will look like. But if you have almost no operations, then you can save thousands of euros in accounting fees, without requiring any accounting skills! Once your company grows, we offer more detailed information, so you can learn along the way. Or you can decide to involve an accountant at that stage.

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